What I am watching now – Steve Harvey “My Apollo Story”

News from Panama / Monday, July 6th, 2020

My Apollo Story
In 1991 I was sleeping in my car, I had $35 to my name, everything I had could fit into two bags. I started talking to God about my dreams… Fast forward, out of nowhere I get a call from the Apollo asking me to come on the show. That same night I met D.L. Hughley, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Jamie Foxx for the first time. We were all comedians that went on that night. This is my Apollo story and how I became the host. This was my turnback moment.

Everybody has a turn back a moment, it’s the moment you can either go forward or give everything up. There’s one guarantee if you give up it will never happen. Faith is everything, God is always on time, he’s never too late.

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