Venezuela: The End of the Maduro Dictatorship is in Sight

News from Panama / Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

David Unsworth writes in the PanAm Post about the current situation and how this may be a world changing event.  Enough already with Cuban, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan dictators.!!

Economic and diplomatic pressure is turning up the heat on Maduro and his band of criminals, as the vast majority of the world’s democracies are lining up to recognize Guaido as the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

The great irony of every socialist, Communist, and Marxist-Leninist movement is that although the leaders (read: dictators) of such movements always rally the masses under the banner of “equality”…these political movements have led to the most unequal societies in modern history: we are seeing the culmination of this in Venezuela’s horrid two decade experiment with socialism in which a large percentage of the population is now starving, while Maduro and his political class (read: con artists) and military class (read: large-scale drug traffickers) have stashed away billions of dollars in offshore bank accounts and live a life of exquisite luxury.

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Diplomats in the US Rebel Against Maduro and Recognize Guaidó

By Sabrina Martin

Various members of the Venezuelan diplomatic corps abroad have now switched allegiance from Nicolas Maduro to interim president Juan Guaidó.

“I made the decision to speak out about the ongoing situation; what really motivated me was when Maduro said that the United States has its hands full of blood, when really it is the Maduro regime that is killing people in Venezuela. And the other powerful reason was my daughter, who at one point said to me: Mom is there nothing we can do?” she explained.

The post Diplomats in the US Rebel Against Maduro and Recognize Guaidó

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