Rental and Sale of Apartments: What is the Most Sought After?

News from Panama

Between July and October 2020 the number of people in Panama looking for apartments to rent grew 34%, while the number of Honduran consumers looking to buy apartments for sale fell 5%. CentralAmericaData‘s interactive platform, Consumer Insights, monitors in real time changes in consumer habits in all markets in the region and in other Latin American countries, […]

November 23, 2020

What I am watching now – Martin’s Boat

News from Panama

Having built boats from a young age, I really appreciate what it takes to build these dories and this story is fantastic! O.A.R.S. presents Martin’s Boat – a 23-minute film by Pete McBride honoring the late Martin Litton – Preeminent conservationist David Brower called him his conscience: in the 1950’s when the Bureau of Reclamation […]

November 23, 2020

Ripe for Growth

News from Panama

In Talamanca, a region in Costa Rica close to the border with Panama, Demetrio Layan, part of the Bribri indigenous community, works on his two-hectare farm. Together, community members grow and harvest bananas that will later be turned into puree and exported to food companies around the world. Until a few years ago, Layan and […]

November 23, 2020

Brenau signs agreement with Panama government to foster new exchanges with students and faculty

News from Panama

Brenau University opened a new window of international possibilities Monday, Nov. 16, after signing an agreement that would welcome students from Panama for language immersion and a four-year degree. Anne Skleder, Brenau’s president, met with four people from IFARHU, Panama’s highest student scholarship agency, to solidify the memorandum, which she said is a commitment to explore […]

November 23, 2020

Panama extends cruise homeporting incentive program

News from Panama

Panama extended through 2021 the 100% reimbursement of Canal dues for cruise lines that homeport in the country. Executive Decree #274 was signed by President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen and Minister of Commerce and Industries Ramón Martínez. Amount of reimbursement depends on the year The reimbursement of the fees set by the Panama Canal Authority will involve […]

November 23, 2020

Riu Reopens Panama Resort

News from Panama

RIU Hotels and Resorts has reopened its Riu Playa Blanca in Panama, Caribbean Journal has learned. The reopening of the 573-room resort, which is set in Panama’s “Arco Seco” region, means the company has now reopened all of its hotel properties on the Pacific Ocean, Riu said in a statement. That includes 10 hotels across Costa Rica, […]

November 23, 2020

Panama rolls out new residency options

News from Panama

This just in from Sovereign Man, Simon Black.   If the idea of packing up and leaving has crossed your mind lately, you certainly aren’t alone. With so many people across the globe staring at a new wave of COVID lockdowns, higher taxes, more chaos in their cities, etc., heading out for greener pastures is a […]

November 18, 2020