Chiquita reaffirms its commitment to Panama’s economic growth

News from Panama

The Minister of Commerce and Industries of Panama, Julio Moltó, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, Carlos Hoyos, met with Carlos López, president of Chiquita Brands, who presented an overview of the company’s operations in the country. In a meeting focused on strengthening the business relationship, the president of Chiquita Brands, Carlos López, reaffirmed […]

July 19, 2024

Investors and housing developers together with Miviot seek to reactivate construction in the interior provinces of the country

News from Panama

With the aim of reactivating construction in the interior of the Republic, the Minister of Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot), Jaime Jované, met with the promoters and investors of housing projects of social interest in the provinces of Chiriquí, Veraguas, Coclé, Herrera and Los Santos. The meeting with the real estate developers of the provinces, […]

July 19, 2024

Panama fines Naturgy for 14 million dollars

News from Panama

According to the country’s Secretary of Energy, “the sanction is irreversible and funds will return to Panamanians,” and it is about “a crucial step towards transparency and accountability in the energy sector.” “The fine of 14 million dollars imposed on the Naturgy Company is definitive and cannot be appealed,” said Juan Manuel Urriola, National Secretary […]

July 19, 2024

Entrepreneurs seek to invest in a biofuel refinery in Panama

News from Panama

This green fuel refinery would become the largest in the region and would be located in the province of Colón, the MICI announced. The Minister of Commerce and Industries (MICI), of the Presidency and the National Secretary of Energy, received the group of investors from SGP Bioenergy and Sumitomo Corporation on behalf of the President of the Republic, […]

July 12, 2024

Panama deploys patrols in the Caribbean Sea and closes more steps in the Darién despite protest by Colombia

News from Panama

The Minister of Public Security of Panama, Frank Ábrego, reported through a statement that between four and five steps of the border with Colombia in the Darién area were closed. Ábrego said that the sites that have been closed are where irregular migrants entered Panama, led by “coyotes” (traffickers of people), from Colombia and that the purpose of […]

July 12, 2024

U.S. Considers Expanding Panama’s Deportation Plan to Costa Rica

News from Panama

President Rodrigo Chaves revealed that the United States is considering incorporating Costa Rica into the immigration control program signed with Panama. Chaves gave an interview to the Panamanian media La Estrella, where he mentioned closely observing Panama’s pilot plan. This plan aims to initiate a massive deportation program to reduce migratory flows to the United States. Chaves […]

July 12, 2024

The CCIAP welcomes Panama’s integration with Mercosur

News from Panama

The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (CCIAP), Juan Arias, assured that every new market for Panama is positive, there are more enormous opportunities in the Common Market of the South (Mercosur), they are countries with a lot of population and for the country opportunities for export could be converted, so we […]

July 12, 2024