More on where to put your money in Panama

News from Panama

And where not to put it….. We noted several weeks ago that the financial position of Financial Pacific has come under investigation.  While not huge by banking standards, they do have around $120 million in asset base and their advertising suggests that they are growing.  At first they had a shortfall of around $7 million […]

November 14, 2012

New Tourism Law in Panama

News from Panama

One of the prettiest Islands off shore here in Chirqui is Coiba.  The problem is that no one exploits it.  The government needs to open this park island up for public private development.  Perhaps with the new law here will be incentives to do this and other areas here in Chiriqui. The Panamanian National Assembly […]

November 7, 2012

French Consortium Wins Canal Over Bridge Tender

News from Panama

With the widening of the Panama Canal to access the new larger vessels that intend on transiting Panama comes the need for new taller bridges that will allow the wider and taller ships to pass under them. Vinci Construction Grand Projets was awarded the construction of the fourth bridge over the Panama Canal for $366 […]

October 31, 2012

The Business of Shares Custody

News from Panama

So you own a Panamanian Corporation and have bearer shares issued in your name sitting in your safe and you are off the grid, so you think.  The new law that will be implemented, not if but when, will require custodial care and registration of your shares with the government. The immobilization of bearer shares […]

October 23, 2012

Ecotourism in Darien

News from Panama

The largest and wildest of the Panamanian provinces holds promise for the development of ecotourism and attracting investor interest.  Located on the Panama and Colombian border there are places where it has  the most impenetrable jungles in Panama.  You can get bitten, stung and even eaten by a big jaguar out there if you are […]

October 23, 2012

Panama: Potential of State Land

News from Panama

I have a friend in the City that specializes in Colon and the Free Trade zone.  He also keeps watch on the list of properties that the government is selling and from time to time comes across some real opportunities.  there are two properties near Colon that are coming on the market that might be […]

October 23, 2012

Giving, try it you will like it!

News from Panama

It is with great honor that we announce our donations to the following organizations.  We have been blessed with a good year in business and it is time to put a little back into what we see as good causes here in our community.  My partner Rolando Miranda and I look forward to our continued […]

October 19, 2012

Welcome to Panama!!

News from Panama

” WELCOME TO PANAMA!! ” This was music to my ears as I saw the greeter open the door to the “hop on hop off bus” bus loaded with tourists after it pulled into Casco Viejo for a morning of sightseeing in the Old City.   Something in the air told me that we were off […]

October 18, 2012