Shortage of Veterinarians in Panama

News from Panama / Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

We are seeing more and more of this in Panama where the inventory of professionals is too shallow to service the growing industries here including the Ag Business sector.  The government needs to open the doors on a selective basis to encourage professionals to come to Panama and work.  A residency should be established for professionals who could be required to complete an internship here just like other medical professionals are required to do.

A deficit of veterinary doctors, estimated at about six hundred professionals, is jeopardizing food security.

The acting secretary of the Panamanian Association of Veterinarians, Jose Torres, referring to the lack of professionals said that there are areas such as quarantine at airports and ports where there are only enough existing staff to cover one shift and not the three that are needed.

In the case of slaughterhouses, there is no assigned veterinarian., quoted Jose Torres who said, “There is no supply from the State, and those working at the ministries of Health (MOH) and Agricultural Development (MIDA) are the same 120 that were there 30 years ago.”
