Quo Vadis Costa Rica?

News from Panama / Tuesday, August 19th, 2014


Sounds like a scene out of Atlas Shrugged.    The productive private sector is signalling a lack of dialogue and clarity as well as conflicting messages from the authorities of the new Costa Rican government, which is also proposing laws that discourage investment.  An increase of more than 4% in the salaries of public officials, lack of action over lowering the cost of energy, lifting barriers which generate legal uncertainty, and initiatives to increase the tax burden on the formal productive sectors are the issues concerning entrepreneurs in Costa Rica.

From a statement issued by the Costa Rican Union of Chambers and Associations of Private Business Sector (UCCAEP):

Mixed signals from the government concern the business sector

• Projects convened in special sessions discourage investment
• Union of Chambers calls attention to lack of dialogue, clarity and conflicting messages from the authorities.

The Costa Rican Union of Chambers and Associations of Private Enterprises (UCCAEP), expressed its concern about the confusing signals it has received in recent days from government authorities.

Issues related to legal security, employment, energy and public expenditure are generating alarm among Costa Rican entrepreneurs.

“When the Citizen Action Party won the elections, there was good communication between Luis Guillermo and the sectors, but today we are not perceiving the same arrangement, but rather that signals are being sent which are generating uncertainty and insecurity in the sector,” said Ronald Jimenez, president of UCCAEP.