Panama releases guide for companies and institutions regarding safe return to workplaces in times of COVID-19

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

The Ministry of Health, in conjunction with the Social Security Administration, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Ministry of Economy and Finance, and the Pan American Health Organization, has prepared guidelines to facilitate compliance with health, hygiene and safety measures for companies and public or private institutions that are operating or could be authorized in the future by health authorities to initiate the process of return to workplaces in times of COVID-19 (the “Guide”).

According to the Guide, there are 5 points companies, as well as public or private institutions, must comply with for a gradual, organized and safe return to workplaces, as follows:

  1. Organize a Special Health and Hygiene Committee (the “Committee”) for the Prevention and Care of COVID-19. The Committee has to be in place for the entire duration of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as indicated by the World Health Organization and confirmed by the Ministry of Health.
  2. Establish prevention and control measures for clients, contractors, and employees. These measures include, among others, promote regular handwashing, put hand sanitizing dispensers around the office, constant cleaning of surfaces and objects, display posters on safety measures and promoting hygiene in times of COVID-19, education on the correct use of face masks, establish rules related to physical distance, use of protective gear depending on the risks associated to the job, policies for waste management.
  3. Establish special schedules and restrictions on the number of people to maintain physical distance within the workplace. Maintain other forms of work such as teleworking for high-risk employees (i.e. workers over 60 years, pregnant women).
  4. Monitor Coronavirus-related symptoms in coworkers, employees, and clients (e.g. develop of cough, fever, trouble breathing, and other related symptoms).
  5. Management of work-related stress by giving breaks between work and/or implementing psychological support.

It is important to refer to the Guide since the scope, responsibilities, and obligations concerning these 5 points are developed in detail in the said document.

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