Panama: Prequalification for Design of Technical Institute

News from Panama / Wednesday, January 28th, 2015


The government has authorized a process for pre-qualifying bidders for the architectural design of first Specialized Superior Technical Institute, to be built in Tocumen.

From a statement issued by the Government of Panama:

The Cabinet approved a resolution which agrees that the architectural design of the First Superior Specialized Technical Institute in Panama (ITSE), located in Tocumen, be subject to a process for Prequalifying bidders prior to the public meeting, and defines the rules for its execution.

The Minister of Public Works, Ramón Arosemena, explained that the conceptual design of the ITSE is extremely complex because it must be flexible enough to adapt to the changes and needs of the industrial sector in Panama over the next 30 years, which is why sufficient technical capacity is required as well as expertise of the proponents participating in the public act.