Panama: $250 million to Manage Potable Water System

News from Panama / Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

With a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank, a process to optimize the production and distribution system of drinking water in Panama will be implemented.

The program includes improving the management of the Institute of Aqueducts and Sewerage Systems (IDAAN) and the optimization of the system to produce and distribute potable water. The Government of Panama will contribute an additional US $5.5 million to the program, for a total value of US $255.5 million.

Part of the technical assistance includes the installation of meters, repairing leaks and pumps, changing valves and hydrants, repairs in drinking water treatment plants, pressure management, renovation of networks, and a program of raising awareness in the population to reduce of consumption, among other measures.

From a statement issued by the Inter-American Development Bank:

Panama will undertake a program to improve the quality of potable water service to the population of the metropolitan area of its capital city with the support of a US $250 million loan approved by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The program includes improving the management of the Institute of Aqueducts and Sewerage Systems (IDAAN) and the optimization of the system to produce and distribute potable water. The Government of Panama will contribute an additional US $5.5 million to the program, for a total value of US $255.5 million.

Read full statement issued (in Spanish).

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