Mexicans Buy Dairy Company in Costa Rica

News from Panama / Wednesday, April 10th, 2013


Just to our west, Costa Rica is producing some of the best dairy products, animals and they will be the first to start concentrated operations in Central Americaas wholesale prices continue to go higher.  There is also a consolidation in the industry that will further this along.

Sigma Foods has bought the Costa Rican firm Productores de Monteverde, consolidating the second place in the country’s dairy market.

The Mexican company gave no details as to the value of the purchase or the characteristics of the acquisition that took place on Monday, April 1, during a meeting of partners.

Among the companies who were interested in buying the company were: Dos Pinos, Florida and Sigma Alimentos.

According to Julio Mijares, director of operations in Costa Rica at Sigma Alimentos, the agreement involves the purchase of 100% of the shares.

Following the announcement of the purchase, Sigma Alimentos consolidated its second place among milk processing plants in Costa Rica. Previously, it had 9.8% of all industrially processed milk, Monteverde now adds 3.7%, narrowing the gap with Dos Pinos, the main dairy producer in the country.