Eventually the U.S. Will Legalize Marijuana

News from Panama / Monday, August 4th, 2014

Sooner or later, the growing momentum in all of the States of the Union to legalize marijuana will motivate the federal government to remove the ban on its use.

As noted by Juan Carlos Hidalgo on his blog on Elfinancierocr.com “… Today, after more than 40 years of continuous failures, we are witnessing the collapse of the international drug war, which has cost the continent hundreds of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives.”

As a major drug trafficking route spanning the South American producing countries to the consumer market in the United States, Central America is paying a high price in violence, not only has it cost tens of thousands of lives, but it has also added huge security costs to operators in the region, like a war zone when the battle is over, because of all of these points actions must be taken to “… be at the forefront of the search for alternatives to end this failed policy.”

“… Yesterday the New York Times, the most influential newspaper in the U.S., published an editorial advocating the legalization of marijuana in the country. The NYT notes that “There are no perfect answers to the legitimate concerns of people regarding the use of marijuana. But there are no perfect answers about tobacco and alcohol, and we believe that at every level – health effects, impact on society and issues of law enforcement – the balance falls decisively on the side of national legalization.'”

Read the New York Times article