Consumers in the New Commercial Era

News from Panama / Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

Less impulsive and more reasoned purchasing decisions and the search for product and supplier information on the Internet and social networks are some of the characteristics of consumers in the new business environment.

Given the spread of covid-19, health authorities in Central American countries have been forced to restrict the mobility of people and have chosen to close most commercial establishments.

See “New Commercial Reality: How to Reach Customers

This was an abrupt change, which forced consumers and companies to adjust to a different business reality. In this context, new consumer behaviors have been identified. reviews that now the consumer is more individualistic, which “… implies that people emphasize more on food, personal care, health, a rediscovery of the space of the home and their own family, and a temporary decrease by mobility and tourism.

Also see “What does the High-Purchasing Power Consumer Want?

Before the outbreak of the health crisis, online shopping was already gaining popularity, but in recent weeks this process has accelerated and put companies’ digital channels to the test.

The article adds that “… The change in electronic shopping involves two levels: the search for information on the Internet and social networks for products and suppliers, on the one hand, and online shopping, on the other.

In this scenario of change in consumer habits given the new commercial reality, CentralAmericaData is developing information solutions on the interests, preferences and characteristics of consumers in Central American countries. By combining socio-demographic variables with mining methods and macrodata analysis, we can identify consumer behavior patterns in any market.

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