A Bet on Marinas and Tourist Piers

News from Panama / Wednesday, July 26th, 2017

Everyone wishes that they could duplicate Los Suenos in Costa Rica.  The truth of the matter is that without more mariners, a 5 star hotel and direct international  flights to a nearby airport, it will never happen.  While this is sad for Chiriqui where I live, we have enough fishing pressure already without adding a hundred boats with the latest  fishing gear to our hotspots.

In Nicaragua, a law is being prepared to facilitate concessions for the development of marinas, piers and yacht clubs, with the aim of encouraging tourist activities such as sport fishing.

The bill is an initiative by private sector entrepreneurs, who want to attract foreign investment to develop tourist activities that are centered around marinas, such as sport fishing.

José Adán Aguerri, president of the Superior Council of Private Enterprise (Cosep), told Laprensa.com.ni that “…The proposal aims to expedite concessions for the development of nautical clubs and berths and to facilitate tourist, sports and recreational boat sailing. “What we are developing is bringing new marinas in the country, attracting nautical clubs, developing tourism that is linked to these types of activities, to sport fishing itself.”

“… So far this proposal has only been discussed by private sector actors related to the tourism sector, but in the coming weeks it will be presented to the Executive.”

Sport fishing is one of the activities that could be developed if the initiative thrives.