Apartment Rentals: Consumers and Interest

News from Panama / Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

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During the first weeks of the year, interest in apartment rentals increased in Honduras, Panama, Dominican Republic and Guatemala, a situation that contrasts with Costa Rica and El Salvador, markets in which interactions in the digital environment decreased.

Through a system that monitors in real time the changes in the interests and preferences of consumers in Central American countries, developed by CentralAmericaData, it is possible to project demand trends in the short and long term, for different products, services, sectors and markets operating in the region.

For this information piece, we analyzed the trend that shows the number of Internet searches and mentions in conversations in the digital environment associated with the topic “apartment rentals“, made by consumers in Central American countries.

In Costa Rica, the interest associated with apartment rentals began to decrease as of January 17, 2021, and in early February, the number of digital interactions continued to decline. In El Salvador, since January 24, a decline began to be reported.

Figures collected by the information system show that in Guatemala for the period from December 2020 to January 2021, interest in apartment rentals increased.

In Honduras, Panama and the Dominican Republic, online searches and mentions in conversations in the digital environment associated with the topic began to grow from the last days of December 2020, a behavior that continued until the end of January 2021.
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