AI and Human Work

News from Panama / Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

Applying artificial intelligence tools and complementing it with increasing the technological capabilities of employees is essential to significantly improve the performance of companies.

According to reports by Harvard Business Review, companies have been found to achieve the most significant performance improvements when humans and machines work together.

The article published in reviews that “… After all, what comes naturally to people, for example, interpersonal communication, can be complicated for artificial intelligence (AI), while simple AI tasks such as data transcription remain a challenge for humans.

AI and humans should work together to verify errors and help increase the capabilities of others. By integrating human talents and AI-driven functions, companies in all industries can reap the benefits of AI, the article states.

Artificial intelligence technology can increase business productivity by up to 40 percent, but the biggest challenge is that most employees oppose the idea, fearing that AI tools will steal their jobs.

The article concludes that “… While AI has earned its place in all industries, it does not always work best on its own. Having the help of humans brings it to its fullest potential and allows us all to take full advantage of a powerful technology that makes a real difference in the lives of end users.

See full article.


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