Panama: More Taxes on Spirits and Wines

News from Panama / Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Well, it looks like my favorite rum will be getting a little more expensive and it may a be politically motivated move.

Any domestic or foreign liquor, with an alcohol content by volume of more than 5%, will bear a stamp, special identification or substitute for traceability.

The rapid processing of the bill to raise taxes paid on wines and spirits, which was approved in its first reading in the National Assembly, has been denounced as an indication that the purpose of government in proposing it, is to affect the interests of its opponents, “The Varela and Motta groups, the largest producers and importers of liquor in the country, respectively”, noted an article in

The project only includes increases on spirits and wine, and does not include beers.

Neither the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama nor the Panamanian Association of Business Executives have been invited to the legislative committee for their opinion of the matter.
