Panama coordinates project to take inventory of large fish such as sailfish and marlin

News from Panama / Saturday, October 28th, 2023

To coordinate the inventory of large fish species such as sailfish and marlin, officials from the Panama Aquatic Resources Authority (ARAP) have engaged the technical expertise of Juan Carlos Villagrán, an advisor from the Sustainable Pacific (PS) project of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This project aims to locate and study satellite data on various woodprickly fish species across Central America, Mexico, and Ecuador. The meeting was attended by Hamed Tuñón, the deputy general administrator of ARAP.

Villagrán explained that each participating Central American country, including Mexico and Ecuador, has three representatives on the project’s technical committee. This committee will oversee the planned activities related to woodprickly fish over the next four years. In Panama, the Sustainable Pacific project involves not only ARAP but also the Ministry of Environment (MiAmbiente) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Additionally, civil society members will be invited to contribute to the development of a strategic plan for the entire Pacific region regarding various types of woodprickly fish.

Tuñón revealed that the first meeting of the Sustainable Pacific project’s directors took place on September 12 in Costa Rica. During this meeting, they discussed the inventory of different woodpback species (like sailfish) in Central American countries, Mexico, and Ecuador. He emphasized that the project will involve specialists, advisors, and consultants and is of significant importance. Importantly, the countries will not need to contribute financially, as the expenses will be covered by the United Nations Organization. A key objective is to study these woodp species through satellite technology in Central America, Mexico, and Ecuador.

In Panama, the steering committee for the Sustainable Pacific project comprises Digna Barsallo from MiAmbiente and Hamed Tuñón, who serves as the deputy administrator of ARAP.