Again, we see developers building without any care about infrastructure. The “planning department” should never approve projects unless there is adequate water, sewer, roads, etc.
The costs required to overcome the deficit of potable water in the residential area must be paid by developers of new projects or by reevaluating the land.
After confirmation of the drinking water crisis in the area, the question arises of how to finance the other aqueduct required in Punta Paitilla (San Francisco). Concerns have elevated after the Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (IDAAN), determined that new infrastructure will be needed to meet the demand for drinking water in the residential area. This will also affect future developments planned in this location.
“… The cost of this new work, should be borne by project developers who require that water, but if the infrastructure is built by the Idaan, the money must be collected through a revaluation” said Juan Antonio Ducruet, former director of Idaan to Prensa. com .
Unplanned growth of the Panamanian coastal strip has already caused problems in the past when the sewage line needed to be expanded.