$275 Per Pound Paid for Panamanian Coffee

News from Panama / Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

coffee pour

In the online auction of specialty coffee known as ‘The Best of Panama’ international buyers paid the record price of $275 per pound for the geisha variety of the grain.

In the auction, organized by the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama (SCAP), a record average price of $60 per pound was reached.

Panamaamerica.com.pa reports that “… The batch that earned the best price was Elida Geisha Green Tip Washed submitted by the Lamastus family, cultivated in the area of Alto Quiel, in the town of Boquete, about 1.800 meters above sea level, and was sold at 275.5 dollars a pound.”

SCAP data shows that the second highest payment went to the Nuguo Signature de Cafe Gallardo grown in la Jurutungo, 1,900 meters above sea level, and at a price of $164.25 a pound.