York man to begin Peace Corps service in Panama

News from Panama / Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

Michael Wall, 25, of York, will depart for Panama in June with the Peace Corps to begin training as a water, sanitation, and hygiene education facilitator.

“I have always wanted to work and live abroad, and if I could do some truly important work that I believe in, then all the better. This, combined with a fervent curiosity for travel and learning, led to my pursuit of a volunteer position with Peace Corps,” Wall said of his desire to join the Peace Corps.

Wall, the son of Tara and Ron Wall of Caledonia, is a graduate of York Central School. He attended SUNY Geneseo where he earned a bachelor of arts in international relations in 2018. Prior to joining the Peace Corps, he volunteered with Alianza Agricola and Livingston CARES Puerto Rico.

During the first three months of his Peace Corps service, Wall will live with a host family in Panama to become fully immersed in the country’s language and culture. After acquiring the necessary skills to assist his community, Wall will be sworn into service and assigned to a community in Panama, where he will live and work for two years with the local people.

“Although I did not specifically apply to Panama, I am so glad I was placed there,” Wall said. “I love learning about different parts of Latin America that I haven’t yet visited, and I’m excited to see more Panamanian history and culture,” Wall said.

Wall will work in cooperation with the local residents and partner organizations on sustainable, community-based development projects that improve the lives of people in Panama and help Wall develop leadership, technical and cross-cultural skills that will give him a competitive edge when he returns home.

There are over more than 190 volunteers in Panama working with communities on projects in agriculture, education, the environment and health. During their service in Panama, volunteers learn to speak local languages, including Emberá, Ngabere and Spanish.

More than 2,805 Peace Corps volunteers have served in Panama since the program was established in 1963.

Wall joins the 475 New York residents currently serving in the Peace Corps and more than 14,500 New York residents who have served in the Peace Corps since 1961.

The Peace Corps sends Americans abroad on behalf of the United States to work with communities and create lasting change. Volunteers develop sustainable solutions to address challenges in education, health, community economic development, agriculture, the environment and youth development.

More than 235,000 Americans have served in 141 countries worldwide since President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961.

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