What I am reading now

News from Panama / Monday, April 2nd, 2018

I am sure to get some flack from PETA members on this one!  Here from Roads and Kingdom is a great article by Brett Forrest.  Those who are squeamish should not read further.

Upon landing in Ulaanbaatar, I wasn’t surprised to learn that Mongolian barbecue is not Mongolian at all. Genghis Khan didn’t feed his army on stir fry. Research tells me that a Taiwanese man formulated Mongolian barbecue some years ago, and I think I know why he chose the name that he did. When you use Mongolia as an adjective, it intensifies any noun beside which you place it. Warrior: Mongolian warrior. Vodka: Mongolian vodka. Girlfriend: Mongolian girlfriend. Taiwanese barbecue? Hardly worth a taste.

Read the entire article here

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