What I am eating these days

News from Panama / Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

My God, what is it!!  I do not know but it has Lobster in it so it must be good!!

Actually Chef Chris at Boulder 54 here in Boquete sent this to me.  Life is about good food and eating well and I follow Anthony Bourdain’s philosophy that good food does not have to be complicated, just from fresh ingredients!

Chef Chris and I are collaborating on Korean Night for Monday September 17th and I am making the kimchee.  It comes as second nature to me as I spent 13 years growing up in Seoul.

All ingredients are local except for the chili flakes which come from Korea.  My Napa Cabbage was in the ground 2 days ago as were my carrots and diakon.

Well now, they are chopped, mixed, stuffed and in my Kimchee Pot until Korean night.  Looks kind of horrible if you have never seen or made it before.  You have to get your hands dirty as every cabbage leaf must be opened and stuffed with the ingredients which include diakon, carrot, green onions and chives mixed with a porridge of sweet rice flour, brown sugar, fish sauce, chili flakes, garlic and ginger.


This concoction must ferment for a week and it will last 6 months like a good Sauerkraut or pickles.  I make these too as we have the freshest veggies in the world here in Boquete.  Same with fruit.

I am not a vegetarian by any means and love beef, pork, chicken and fish that is also local farm to table fare here.  My fish monger had some delicious Snook and I cooked some for lunch today that was incredible!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the short read and can join us here in Boquete for some great dinners and libations!

Remember what Anthony Bourdain once said, “your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.”

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