What I am watching now – The Global Mercy Delivery Voyage Part 1: Kat

News from Panama / Thursday, August 26th, 2021

This is a great short video of the newest hospital ship in the fleet.

Hope is on the way! Right now, the #GlobalMercy is on her way to Europe to receive the finishing touches of her build. Learn all about our first purpose-built hospital ship through the eyes of Kat, a former volunteer who now spends her time telling stories of hope and healing with Mercy Ships!

The Global Mercy® Sails?????

On June 16, 2021, Mercy Ships celebrated a joyful moment: the Global Mercy was officially delivered from shipyard and became the world’s largest civilian hospital ship. The construction phase, which began in 2015, has come to an end and the Global Mercy sets sail into a future bright with the ability to save and transform lives.

Where to Next?

Hope is on the way! The Global Mercy recently departed port from China and is currently sailing to Europe to receive the finishing touches of her build during her Equipping Phase. Learn all about our first purpose-built hospital ship through the eyes of Kat, a Mercy Shipper who spends her time telling stories of hope and healing!

Arrival in Europe

The critical next step for the Global Mercy will be equipping her with subsystems like medical inventory and operating room equipment – not to mention books to fill the shelves in the Mercy Ships Academy library. The final touches! Piece by piece, this purpose-built vessel will come to life, becoming a fully sustainable hospital ship capable of transforming lives onboard. What started as an idea on paper and a block of steel, will soon be a hub of hope like no other in history.

Why Volunteers?

It may seem incredible, but Mercy Ships vessels are operated by a skilled crew of mariners, medical professionals, galley staff, teachers, and many other professions with two things in common — they love the mission of Mercy Ships and they’re volunteering their time. This volunteer model has allowed Mercy Ships to deliver free healthcare services for more than 40 years. With two hospital ships, the need for volunteers to join the Mercy Ships family will continue to grow.

Why You?

Your professional skills can transform lives.

If you’ve always wanted to use your unique talent and skills to transform lives and make your mark on the world, we’ve got an opportunity for you. The work of Mercy Ships impacts the lives of patients, families, and volunteers alike. It’s a transformative experience that enables personal and professional growth, and we’re looking for you to join us.

Come aboard and find your crew.

Interested in making your mark as a part of this historic moment? Find your place onboard at opportunities.mercyships.org

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