Vice President Carrizo inaugurates temporary immigration reception station in Darién

News from Panama / Saturday, November 26th, 2022

The Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo Jaén, inaugurated today Friday the temporary immigration reception station in San Vicente, province of Darién, through the Ministry of Public Security and the National Migration Service.

The new facility will allow better attention to people who are in transit and heading to North America, so that they have a suitable place for their temporary stay.

The San Vicente Migration government officials who have been assigned to the various tasks that require the attention of these people. There they will have facilities for which a short stay should be, including bedrooms, toilets, showers, dining room, children’s dining room, recreation and laundry areas, among others, as well as spaces for the operation of the government institutions involved and a health clinic.

Carrizo Jaén referred to teamwork for this achievement, serving those who need it most and human beings who migrate not of their own free will, but out of necessity. “The message that Panama sends to the world is a humanitarian public policy,” he said.

“This problem of irregular migration must be addressed in a comprehensive way, from where those migrants arise because of the needs of their countries, where they pass and also to their destination. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is making great efforts to look at this issue,” Carrizo Jaén said.