Unemployment in Panama Increases to 6.4%

News from Panama / Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

Up to March of this year, the total unemployment rate reached 6.4%, above the 5.8% reported at the end of March 2018.

When analyzing by area, urban showed a 7.2% rate in the third month of 2019, which is higher than that recorded in rural areas, whose rate was 4.2%, reported the General Comptroller of the Republic.

The report states that “… the rate of participation of women in economic activity was lower than that of men. An equally unfavorable condition was reflected in the female unemployment rate, which by March 2019 was 8.2% versus 5.0% observed for men.

The highest total unemployment rate was observed in young people aged 15 to 19 (19.4%). However, this began to decline from the age group of 20 to 24 years until reaching its lowest value in the group of people 60 to 69 years (1.9%).

According to the percentage distribution by province, the highest rates were in Colon (7.5%), West Panama (6.5%) and Panama (6.4%), while for the provinces of Herrera, Darien, Los Santos and the indigenous regions, the lowest rates were presented.”

See full report.

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