U.S. Embassy finances projects of up to $500 thousand

News from Panama / Friday, December 22nd, 2023

The U.S. Embassy in Panama announces the opportunity to finance projects, through the Small Grants Program of the Regional Security Initiative in Central America. The initiative is a way to stimulate proposals for programs that advance democracy, transparency and responsibility in Panama, that cover budgets between 150,000 and $500 thousand. The U.S. Embassy in Panama invites the interested to prepare proposals for programs based on strong governance, transparency and accountability for the country.


The CARSI program will consider proposals that advance the following objectives:

  • Implement significant institutional reforms within the executive and judicial branches of Panama to reduce impunity.
  • Encourage transparency in the administration of public revenues and ensure that the investment of public resources is done responsibly.
  • Promote a Panamanian civil society that demands government responsibility and that can influence the results of policies.
  • Adequately provide judicial and monitoring institutions with resources, ensuring their independence and creating a competent civil service that provides continuity and non-partisan service to all residents of Panama.

The following types of programs are not eligible for funding: programs or training to strengthen law enforcement; social services, construction programs; programs related to partisan political activities; charitable or development activities; programs that support specific religious activities; fundraising campaigns; lobbying for specific programs or legislations; programs with the primary purpose of growing or developing the organization; commercial or for-profit projects.


  • Non-governmental organizations based in Panama, the United States or abroad,
  • Universities and educational institutions
  • International public organizations

Individuals and for-profit or commercial entities are not eligible.

To be eligible to apply for this funding opportunity, all organizations must have an active registration at http://www.Sam.gov

Please see the attached guides below for information on how to obtain these records.


The advance federal funding for Fiscal Year 2023 is $1,000,000.00. The U.S. Embassy in Panama anticipates financing between three and five projects through this Financing Opportunity Notice. The duration of the projects should be between 18-24 months and it is expected that they will begin on June 1, 2024.

The budget of each proposal must correspond to the size and scope of the project, within the limits of the Financing Opportunity Notice. The proposal evaluation process will seek to exercise a responsible administration of government resources, maximizing the impact of the available funds.

Single payments for general costs and vague budget lines, such as “miscellaneous expenses” or “unforeseen expenses” will not be financed. The budgets must be as detailed as possible with a breakdown of all specific expenses, including their calculations. Any amount that is included without a specific breakdown will be returned due to lack of information or rejected.


Important Note: Completing the Sam.gov registration process can take up to 5 weeks. The United States Embassy urges

all applicants to start their Sam.gov registration process as soon as possible.

The complete application for the CARSI Small Grants Program must be submitted on or before February 15, 2024 through grants.gov.

Applications must be submitted in English. (Applications submitted in Spanish will not be accepted).

The application package must include:

  • Presentation Sheet
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Proposal
  • Detailed Budget Form and Budget Narrative
  • Forms SF-424 Request for Federal Assistance and SF-424A.

For more details about the grant process, please read the Financing Opportunity Notice below or through this link at grants.gov: CARSI NOFO FY2023.

Please contact us at PanamaGrants@state.gov with additional questions.