How To Travel The World On $1,500 A Month

News from Panama / Monday, November 19th, 2018

They left on October 1, 2013. Traveling from west to the east, they started in Panama, spending six months backpacking around Central America. They then flew to Europe, made their way to Morocco and topped off their travel with two years in Asia. Over the course of nearly five years, they saw thirty countries together while dedicating themselves to a life of financial freedom.

There were a few rules. Travel slow. Stick to carry-on only. Go where the dollar is strong. Book short stays online then re-negotiate in person. Search alternate flight routes and take advantage of budget airlines.

Thanks to their strong budget skills, and Tim Ferriss’ Dreamline sheet, these long term honeymooners were able to travel the world and achieve financial freedom.Amirah and Jarrell Cook.

When they finally returned to the United States four and half years later, Amirah says a lot of their friends and family thought what they did was incredible. For the writer, and her painter husband, she says the decision to leave was easy.

Read the rest of the Forbes article here

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