Transshipment and Distribution of Automobiles in Panama

News from Panama / Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Panama could be a center for transshipment and distribution of automobiles. On a bombing range once used by the US Military, there could be a future site for this business that would put Panama on the map again for a center of logistics in that industry.

Rodolfo Sabonge, vice president of the Office of Research and Market Analysis of the ACP, said: “Here we see a great potential for development of logistics activities, specifically those which we have already spoken about, in the sense that Panama could be a center for transshipment and distribution of automobiles. ”

“… Sabonge explained that would be a very interesting initiative for the country, because in these centers there are also value-added activities, as usually vehicles coming to places like these have virtually no options, and because Panama is close to all markets, Central America, the Caribbean and Latin America, from where extras for the cars can be obtained. That is to say, vehicles can come in as standard and then, according to the orders made by regional distributors, this is where they would instal extras (sunroofs, leather seats, etc..) “.