Trade Agreement Between EFTA, Panama and Costa Rica

News from Panama / Tuesday, August 19th, 2014

free trade

Free trade with Panama increased greatly this month and next with additional countries around the world.  On August 19th the agreement with Norway will come into effect, on the 29th with Liechtenstein and Switzerland and finally with Iceland on September 5th.  From a statement issued by the Information System of Foreign Trade of the Organization of American States:

The FTA was signed in June 2013. Its entry into force will occur in three stages: on 19 August 2014 between Norway and the Central American States; on 29 August between Liechtenstein and Switzerland and the Central American States; and on 5 September between Iceland and the Central American States.

Notably covering trade in goods, trade in services, investment, competition, protection of intellectual property, sustainable development, cooperation and government procurement, the FTA will create new opportunities for economic operators on both sides.