Tocumen Duty Free Tender in January 2017

News from Panama / Monday, November 28th, 2016


The administrators of the international airport in Panama City announced that they will launch a tender in January for the business premises in Terminal 1.

Although the administration of Tocumen International Airport said on several occasions that they estimated holding the tender before the end of the year, especially after the problem which occurred with stores belonging to Wisa Group, they have now announced that it will be in January 2017 when the announcement is finally made.

The tender will include 77 duty free premises in Terminal 1, which since 2007 have been operated by Waked International S.A., whose concession expires in December 2017.

An article on reports that “…Tocumen is also preparing tenders for concessions of commercial premises in the south terminal, which to date is 63% complete. The aim is have a schedule for the tender before the end of this year. The calls will be made during 2017, with the first one being in the food category.”