Tobacco: Law on Consumption and Commercialization Passed

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

Changes in product labeling and greater regulation in the licensing process are some of the provisions approved by the National Assembly of Panama.

Cigarette packages marketed in the country must comply with simple packaging, brand name, health warnings and other characteristics, are some of the approved changes.

From the Legislative Assembly statement:

Increased controls on tobacco consumption, including less conspicuous labelling and better regulation in the issuance of licences, with the particular aim of discouraging young smokers and combating smuggling, Bill 136, which establishes provisions relating to the substance and dissemination of information on tobacco products, was passed in the third debate.

The project establishes that all cigarette packages marketed in the country must comply with simple packaging, brand name, health warnings and other characteristics.

Read full article (In Spanish).

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