The future for unemployment in First World Countries

News from Panama / Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Our greatest countries in the world are not making much headway in solving unemployment that is ravaging their economies.  In the US the “official” unemployment rate doesn’t count men and women who are discouraged workers who have settled for part-time jobs or have given up looking altogether. Tracking those individuals, under what’s called the “U-6″ rate, gives a very different measure of the nation’s unemployment rate: 14.3%.  As of the September report there are also 47.76 million people on the food stamp program  which is more than the entire populations of many large nations.   The US population is 314 Million so 15% of Americans are on the food stamp program.  Oh yes, the October food-stamp report has not been published because of the government shut down.   By the way, Panama’s unemployment rate has been around 4% for several years and continues to decline.

We can only hope that innovation will find new answers to the problem.  Here is an example how innovation may not have helped the situation but complicated it.   I guess that a good job may be repairing robots but I am sure that there is a robot that can do that too.  Click on the picture to see what Telsa motors is doing.

It is a good time to be living in Panama and especially good here in Boquete!