The construction sector in Panama projects a growth of 10%

News from Panama / Friday, August 30th, 2024

The president of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac), Alejandro Ferrer, said that by the end of this year they have a projection of a growth of 10% in the construction sector, because they have seen with optimism the entry of the new government.

He assured that although he is trying to clean up some conditions that he is encountering at the institutional level, and trying to catch up with outstanding payments, they understand that the industry has room for improvement, so they think that projections can be maintained.

As for the projects that they consider to be priorities, knowing that President José Raúl Mulino has spoken of emblematic projects including the Panama-David train and what is pending on Metro Line 3, Ferrer assured that the priority is the whole water issue.

“For us it is important, since there are water treatment plant projects that are directly managed by IDAAN that are underway and that require financing to be completed,” Ferrer said

He added that we have to finish Metro Line 3, there is also the Fourth Bridge over the Panama Canal that is also walking, there is the crossing of the Panama Canal to connect Metro Line 3 with Albrook station.

“We also have projects under the modality of APP that the Ministry of Public Works has been taking out, we really have several projects and several fronts open at this time, all each in its important way for development,” Ferrer stressed.