The Consistency of the Panamanian Economy

News from Panama / Thursday, November 29th, 2012

I  like this graphic  and it is no wonder that I use it a lot to describe the growth here in Panama.  I have  been here since 2006 and I cannot wait to see what happens here over the next 10 years.  While there are concerns that the growth will slow after 2015 or so, I do not see that happening as Panama continues to demonstrate fundamental strengths in it’s economy.

The end of 2012 will show that Panama’s growth during the year will be close to 10%, and forecasts of the Chamber of Commerce are that in 2013 it will go up by another 8%.

Regarding the projections for this the year end, Manuel Ferreira, chief economist of the Chamber, said, “We estimated at the beginning of the year a growth of 8%, and it grew to 9.5%.”

“Economic growth will continue to be accompanied by pressure on prices, which will be further exacerbated by the effects of drought in the United States.” In 2012 it was over 5.3% and for 2013 it may be closer to 6%. Concerns exist, because it not only impacts on consumers, but businesses as well ‘”, noted an article in

The year 2014 will have great challenges, major infrastructure works such as the expansion of the Canal, the Metro and several highways, engines that have driven economic growth will be in their final stages. This will be coupled with a change of government.

“This situation, coupled with doubts about the evolution of the international economy, could cause a more marked slowdown in the economy in 2014, bringing it below its growth potential.”
