Tender: Roadworks for $86 million

News from Panama / Monday, February 27th, 2017

road constuction

The Ministry of Public Works in Panama is putting out to tender the design and construction of the renovation and widening of the Omar Torrijos highway, in the section between Corozal, Red Tank and Via Centenario.

According to the request for proposals, some of the objectives are to improve connectivity between the Bridge of the Americas, the fourth future bridge over the Canal and the Centennial Bridge, eliminate the level crossing with a rail freight in Miraflores and improve conditions of the road network for users. Also included is the creation of sidewalks and a bike path.

Panama Government Purchase 2017-0-09-0-08-LV-004889:

“The project has an approximate length of 7 kilometers, which starts at 75 m approximately after Calle Toucan (entrance to SPI), and ends in connection with the access road to the Centennial Bridge (Via Centenario).

However, the procuring entity may determine tasks during execution of the project  which have not been defined in the terms of reference or plans, to ensure connectivity and integrity of road networks, and / or ensure accessibility to future urban development or basic services.

The Proponent must include in their proposal studies on topography, hydraulics, hydrology, traffic and mobility, geometric alignment, drainage, urban architecture, geotechnics, pavements, temporary traffic detours, signaling, service replacement, of storm drains, structure of new and / or renovated vehicle bridges, new and / or renovated pedestrian bridge structures, affectations and coordination with third parties, etc.

Also included as an obligation of the Grantee, is the development of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for its submission and approval to the competent authority; ie the Ministry of Environment, to start the project, and the selected contractor will be required to comply in due observance of it.”

Reference value: $85.524.520

The deadline for receipt of bids is April 7, 2017.