Impunity taking toll on Panama internationally

News from Panama

For more than a decade, Panama has experienced a maelstrom of scandals related to corruption and lack of transparency. During the last 15 months, new cases have been added to that list, with the aggravation that they have occurred in the middle of an unprecedented health crisis says The Panama Chamber of Commerce, industry, and […]

June 15, 2021

Bitcoin Legalization Risks

News from Panama

Following the approval of the Bitcoin Law in El Salvador by the members of the Legislative Assembly, which creates a legal framework that recognizes this digital currency as legal tender in the country, the IMF warns that financial and legal risks have arisen. With the approval of the Law, the State will guarantee, through the creation of a […]

June 15, 2021

Panama To Join El Salvador and Paraguay in Bitcoin Adoption?

News from Panama

Panamanian Congressman, Gabriel Silva, had comments on El Salvador’s move to adopt Bitcoin as a currency today on Twitter and called for Panama to do the same. Silva said that Panama cannot be left behind and that the country must support cryptocurrency to be a hub of technology and entrepreneurship. “This is important. And Panama cannot be […]

June 15, 2021

Tender for Improvement Works for Residential Buildings

News from Panama

The Municipality of Panama tenders the improvement works of 12 residential complexes located in the Corregimiento de Calidonia. Panama Government Purchase 2021-5-76-0-08-LV-013845: “The work includes the supply of materials, tools, equipment, accessories, labor and all that is required to carry out the painting of facades and common areas and repair of roofs and balconies of 12 residential complexes […]

June 15, 2021

Panama Ship Registry Grows by 3.2 Million GT

News from Panama

The world’s largest ship registry continues to grow despite the COVID-19 pandemic. During the first four months of this year, 104 newly built vessels were registered to the Panama Ship Registry, representing 3.2 million GT. At end of April 2021, the Panama Ship Registry fleet aggregated 8,652 ships with 236.5M GT, according to IHS Markit, […]

June 15, 2021