State Payroll Spending is Increasing

News from Panama

The Panamanian government has spent $2.580 million in salaries for civil servants from January to August this year, 10% more than had been reported in the first eight months of 2017. According to figures from the Office of the General Comptroller between January and August 2017 and the same period this year, the expenditure on […]

October 16, 2018

Mortgages Become More Expensive

News from Panama

Because of the hike in interest rates in the United States, several banks in Panama are already increasing mortgage rates by between 0.25% and 0.50%. According to representatives of the Banking Association of Panama (ABP), the increase in mortgage loans is mainly due to the upward adjustment that interest rates are experiencing worldwide, which will […]

October 16, 2018

Business meeting Panama – Peru

News from Panama

A business meeting between 22 companies from the Zona Libre de Colon, Panama, and Peruvian businessmen from different sectors will be held in Lima, Peru, on October 24. The Zona Libre de Colon reported that 22 user companies will meet with Peruvian businessmen in search of new buyers, distributors and partners. The activity will be […]

October 16, 2018

Central America: Intra-regional trade increased 3%

News from Panama

Trade in goods and services between the countries of the region amounted to $4.792 billion during the second quarter of the year, 3% more than in the same period of 2017. Central America’s total exports reached USD 16,299.7 million in the second quarter of 2018 and increased by 1.7% over the same period last year. […]

October 16, 2018

Turtles in Isla Canas

News from Panama

My friend Jim Wiese posted this video.  The Turtles come to shore each year at Isla Canas on the southern Azuero peninsula to lay their eggs and the beach is protected 24/7 until the process is over.   Thank you ANAM! Click on the picture above to view the video.

October 16, 2018

Hospital Infrastructure: $15 Million Tender

News from Panama

The Department of Health of Panama tenders the studies, designs and construction of the new health polycenter of Canto de Llano, in the district of Santiago, province of Veraguas. Panama Government Purchase 2018-0-12-0-09-LV-025344: “A new polycenter will be built in Canto del Llano and the existing health center will be totally demolished. The new polycenter […]

October 9, 2018

Fragile Legal Certainty

News from Panama

Adverse court decisions against companies, social and political conflicts and fiscal issues are some of the factors that are impeding the development of productive projects in Central American countries. One of the latest court decisions affecting companies with investments in the region was that of Minera Petaquilla, in Panama. The contract that this company had […]

October 9, 2018