Controversial Request to Reduce Penalties for Tax Evasion

News from Panama

During the discussion of a tax evasion law project, the Panamanian business sector requests that the amount defrauded to be considered a legal crime be increased from $300,000 to $500,000. Regarding the request made by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Panama, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) explained that “… There are […]

October 30, 2018

Researchers observe novel bat behavior in Panama

News from Panama

Baby birds learn to fly. Baby mammals switch from milk to solid food. Baby bats, as winged mammals, do both at the same time during their transition from infants to flying juveniles. According to a new report from researchers at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) who studied Peters’ tent-making bats (Uroderma bilobatum), mothers prod […]

October 30, 2018

Sports Infrastructure: $12 Million Tender

News from Panama

The Panamanian Institute of Sports tenders several construction works in the provinces of Chiriqui and Panama. Panama Government Purchase 2018-1-35-0-04-LV-007462: “Study, design, demolition, construction and equipment of La Basita Fitness Center, located in the district of David, province of Chiriqui.” Reference value: $ 5.478.802. Deadline for receipt of tenders: November 22nd, 2018. See tender. Panama […]

October 30, 2018

Bank closes operations in Panama

News from Panama

The Swiss bank, Julius Baer, reported that it will close its representative offices in the Central American country and will concentrate on other larger markets in the region such as Brazil. The statement of the financial institution was made after Matthias Krull, a former employee of the bank in Panama, pleaded guilty in the U.S. […]

October 30, 2018

Indonesia and Panama to work closer on trade, investment

News from Panama

  Panamanian Vice President and Foreign Minister Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado waves to reporters before a meeting with her Indonesian counterpart Retno LP Marsudi at the Foreign Ministry in Jakarta on Thursday.(JP/Seto Wardhana)Indonesia and Panama have agreed to intensify cooperation, especially on trade and investment, as the two play significant roles in their […]

October 30, 2018

Panama to issue 30-day tourist card to Cubans

News from Panama

It is not a secret that Cuban entrepreneurs travel to Panama to buy consumer goods that they later sell in the black market. The Panamanian government is making it easier for them to continue their business. The Panamanian embassy in Havana was busy on Tuesday. Cubans will now be able to travel to the Central American country […]

October 30, 2018

Panama’s President to Make Official Visit to Cuba

News from Panama

Panama”s President Juan Carlos Varela will make an official visit to Cuba on Oct 29-31, the Cuban Foreign Ministry announced on Friday.   According to the programme, Varela will pay tribute to National Hero Jose Marti in the memorial bearing his name in Havana and will hold official talks with Cuban authorities. The President will […]

October 30, 2018

Cuba, Panama Sign Environmental Cooperation Agreement

News from Panama

The Cuban Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment, Elba Rosa Perez, and her Panamanian counterpart, Emilio Sempris, have signed on Friday a technical and academic cooperation agreement in environmental matters.   The agreement, with a duration of five years and extendable for the same period, will allow the sustainable use of natural resources, the […]

October 30, 2018

Latin America: Multinational Revenues Up 11%

News from Panama

Latinvex staff covered this in a recent article that they published. Multinationals in Latin America improved their performance last year, posting an 11 percent increase in revenues, according to according to the latest Latinvex 500. That stands in contrast to 2016, when they suffered an 8 percent decline.

October 30, 2018

These Handwoven Panama Hats Can Run You $25,000

News from Panama

These hats can run serious bucks and after watch the detail that goes into making them you will see why. Simón Abel Espinal wakes up thinking about his work—and with good reason. For nearly 40 years, he’s handwoven toquilla straw hats of the highest quality. Widely known as “Panama hats,” these brimmed beauties actually come […]

October 30, 2018