Expanded Panama Canal Commemorates 1,000 Days in Operation

News from Panama

On Friday, March 22, the Expanded Panama Canal commemorated its 1,000th day in operation, marking an important milestone for the waterway that continues to redefine world trade routes and exceed expectations. “During these 1,000 days, the Panama Canal’s workforce has not only met the challenge of successfully managing the Neopanamax Locks, but also exceeded the […]

April 2, 2019

US Donation Strengthens Fight against Drugs in Panama

News from Panama

The U.S. government donated 15 Jeep J8 vehicles to the Panamanian National Border Service to support the fight against narcotrafficking on the Colombian border. (Photo: Panamanian National Border Service) In early February, the U.S. government delivered a donation to Panama to strengthen its Public Force’s security operations. The donation, a hangar, equipment, and vehicles, will […]

March 28, 2019

Threats to “Traditional” tourism

News from Panama

This is typical Panama ignorance of what it takes to promote tourism.  A few hotel developers trying to flex their muscles when 50% of the business takes place in a non-traditional booking venue like Airbnb. Given the growing use of its vacation rental platform in Panama, Airbnb plans to offer other services such as ticket […]

March 28, 2019

Which Countries Have the Best Roads?

News from Panama

Ahhh, what a pretty site!!  We have seen over $150 Million invested in our neighboring roadways from David to Boquete and much has changed over the last 12 years that we have lived here. Here is how the rest of the region shapes up. In terms of quality, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras and El […]

March 28, 2019

Panama-Colombia Electricity Interconnection Plan Returns

News from Panama

After several years of carrying out studies of the work, the governments announced that they plan to begin working on the standardization of regulations to sign the agreement of the electrical interconnection project. In a press release published on March 19, Panama‘s Presidency stated that Panama’s Energy Secretary, Victor Urrutia, informed that the Agreement required […]

March 26, 2019

Metro Line 3: Offers Postponed

News from Panama

April 2 is the new date set for the submission of proposals for the design and construction of Line 3 of the Panama Metro, which will reach Ciudad del Futuro in Arraijan. However, because Metro de Panamá S.A. is publishing specifications and the companies have requested more time to adapt their proposals, it has been […]

March 25, 2019

Logistics: New Infrastructure in Panama Canal

News from Panama

A 7.7-kilometer logistic corridor that will serve for the mobilization of cargo in the Pacific sector was inaugurated, which will serve ports, industrial parks, factories and distribution centers. Trucks using the Canal Logistic Corridor must be affiliated with the Cargo Pass system, similar to the one operating in the North and South Corridors and the […]

March 25, 2019

Risk Rating and Investment Attraction

News from Panama

The latest risk ratings for the issuance of long-term debt of Central American economies identify Panama as the most attractive country to invest in. On March 8, Moody’s decided to raise its long-term issuer rating in foreign currency from Baa2 to Baa1, arguing that the outlook remains more favorable in the medium term. The situation […]

March 25, 2019