Looking Ahead to 2011

News from Panama

It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of October and with it begins the Holiday Season already.  While we dust off our costumes for Halloween parties, and make plans for Thanksgiving with family and friends, Christmas is right around the corner and the New Year will be here before we know it.     […]

October 21, 2010

Pedasi Paradise

News from Panama

It is rainy season here in Panama and Boquete has been getting  it’s share.  The nice thing about Panama is that it has a lot of different places that are less than a days drive where the weather can be completely different.  One of those areas that is a little drier is the East Coast of Azuero and my favorite spot […]

September 23, 2010

Panama Shines

News from Panama

As reported by The Latin Business Chronicle  The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011 had some interesting news especially for Panama  On a Global perspective, Switzerland tops the overall ranking in The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011 released by the World Economic Forum. The United States falls two places to fourth position, overtaken by Sweden (2nd) and Singapore (3rd).  […]

September 16, 2010