Coffee Futures Hit Record Prices

News from Panama

Here is another reason for my friends who are in the coffee business here Boquete to be happy as coffee hits record prices.  Of course Boquete broke records again for a bag of geisha beans that sold for $170 per pound. I am beginning to see some stepped up interest in coffee land here in […]

November 19, 2010

The Best Location in Panama

News from Panama

OK, besides my home town of Boquete here in the western highlands of Panama………………….  The next hot spot  is emerging and the town is starting to take shape as a community like Boquete which is now shared by locals with a lively expat community.  Pedasi is a place that I have  mentioned often before and a place  that I visit whenever I […]

November 4, 2010

Buenas Fiestas Patrias

News from Panama

November in Panama has lots of Independence celebrations. On November 3 is celebrated the Independence of Panama from Colombia in 1903, also known as Colon Day, that jumpstarts Panama’s Patriotic Month. While on November 10 is the day that Panamanians remember the ‘uprising in Villa Los Santos’ against the Spaniards; and finally on November 28 […]

November 4, 2010

Expansion in Panama´s Coastal Highway

News from Panama

The new Cinta Costera or coastal highway in the City is another huge project that was completed last year and is expanding again next year.  The best news thus far is the governments consideration of the old City or Casco Antiguo, a UNNESCO world heritage site, is the proposal to tunnel under the city as […]

November 3, 2010

12,700 new hotel rooms and few skilled workers

News from Panama

As reported before by my friend Sam Taliaferro, here is another area where we could use some help, perhaps from all those graduates looking for jobs back in the States.  There will be plenty of openings here as all the hotels open for business over the coming years. 12,700 new hotel rooms and few skilled […]

November 3, 2010

Panama Must Import Labor

News from Panama

There isn´t adequate availability of skilled labor to build, manage and administrate the ambitious projects of the state’s infrastructure plan.    So, while we are losing more jobs back in the States than we are creating, that is not the case here in Panama and maybe there is room for some people to come to Panama […]

November 3, 2010

Panama Can Be Frightening Sometimes!!

News from Panama

Sometimes business has to wait and people gotta have fun and fun we had last night!! Halloween was in full swing last night here in Boquete at the Ladera Hotel and there were some pretty spooky people who showed up.  I even saw the devil get my wife and she was supposed to be “Lucky”. […]

October 31, 2010

Caribbean Paradise Sale

News from Panama

A short presentation of Lifestyle and Real Estate in Bocas del Toro, Panama Most of the people that I have heard from in the US that are moving here to Panama voice concerns over the economy, the government and the rising costs of living. Many people are looking for a place in the sun where […]

October 25, 2010