Expansion of Via España is in an administrative limbo

News from Panama

Seven months have passed since the Administrative Court of Public Contracts revoked a decision of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and awarded the extension of the Vía España to the C&T Vía España consortium and nothing is known about when the order to proceed with the work will be given. In the face of the expansion, […]

April 21, 2023

Panama has advanced technology in fish aquaculture

News from Panama

The professor and director of Aquaculture at the University of Miami, the Brazilian Daniel Benetti, panelist of the Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Aquaculture of the Regional Chapter ofThe World Aquaculture Society LACQUA23, which takes place in this capital from April 18 to 21, highlighted that in Panama there is the most advanced technology in the world […]

April 21, 2023

Panama will become an agricultural hub for Latin America

News from Panama

The construction of the Horticultural Excellence Center for Agricultural Innovation Panama-Israel will turn the country into an agricultural hub for Latin America. This was confirmed by the Minister of Agricultural Development, Augusto Valderrama, during his tour of the experimental station of El Ejido, in Los Santos, headquarters of this project. In his visit, Valderrama commented […]

April 14, 2023

after 40 years of attempts by Panama, national meat products will finally be able to have access to the North American market.

News from Panama

This morning, the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre and the regional director of Quarantine Services of the International Regional Agency for Agricultural Health (OIRSA), Raúl Rodas, signed an agreement to expedite payment through the regional agency of the inspectors of coil cattle slaughter plants in Panama. It should be noted that after 40 years of […]

April 14, 2023

Sinaproc will have a presence in 36 points at Easter

News from Panama

With 800 units in 36 points in the country, the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) begins Easter operation together with security and emergency entities, he reported in an official statement. The Sinaproc will deploy specialists in operations, first aid, medical emergency technicians, lifeguards, rescuers, search, rescue, logistics, risk management, canine unit and communications to provide […]

April 7, 2023

The Panamanian Institute of Special Qualification held a day of activities to commemorate the month of autism

News from Panama

Commemorating the month of autism, about 50 students from the Panamanian Institute of Special Enabling (IPHE) participated in a day of recreational activities in the City of Knowledge park, in Clayton, to stimulate their physical and mental abilities, the educational entity reported. With the recreational activities of the Early Stimulation Program (PEP), the IPHE seeks […]

April 7, 2023