Rescue organizations in Panama traveled to Turkey

News from Panama

Members of different security bodies of Panama, specialized in search and rescue, traveled this Friday to Turkey, where they will provide support in the rescue work, after the strong earthquake that shook this nation and Syria, leaving thousands of dead, wounded and injured people. Carlos Rumbo, director of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), confirmed […]

February 10, 2023

Panama has a new integral recycling center

News from Panama

Panama has a new center for waste collection and processing, called Ecospot, which also combines culture, entertainment and learning about the circular economy. The place, inaugurated this week, is located in Multiplaza and has a space for those who visit it to share a moment of recreation, exchange materials or simply relax. There is also […]

February 10, 2023

Coming next week – Boquete Jazz & Blues Festival

News from Panama

The Boquete Jazz and Blues Festival is a one-of-a-kind event held annually in Boquete, Panama. This festival brings together talented musicians from all over the world to perform jazz and blues music in a breathtakingly beautiful setting. The festival takes place in a lush jungle surrounded by the majestic Panama mountains, making it a truly […]

February 10, 2023

Panama Recovers 15.7 Million Dollars Through The Amp In Wages Owed To Seafarers

News from Panama

During the current administration of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), through the General Directorate of Seafarers (DGGM), the historic recovery of USD$15,763,052.24 has been achieved in concept of wage payments owed by shipowners, to seafarers who sail on Panamanian-flagged vessels. Out of the aforementioned record figure, USD$5,315,909.99 correspond to the year 2022. Likewise, 1,248 maritime […]

February 10, 2023

ACOBIR completes the Panama Real Estate Trade Mission

News from Panama

Within the framework of the Acobir 2023 Real Estate Expo and in order to continue looking for growth opportunities for the sector at the international level, the Panamanian Association of Brokers and Real Estate Promoters (ACOBIR) organized the Panama Real Estate Trade Mission 2023 with great success. More than 65 Real Estate Brokers and investors […]

February 3, 2023

Panamanian Group Tries to Stop the Only Open-Pit Mine

News from Panama

An association of Panamanian professionals has renewed its efforts to stop the only open-pit mining by a subsidiary of a Canadian-listed company that has breached more than 200 environmental regulations in Panama. If national authorities do not react, the association will consider taking the case to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the head […]

February 3, 2023

COR donates to UMIP for the use of drones

News from Panama

The COR is an initiative of ARPA, as part of its Blue Seas program, which seeks through a sustainable system of sudden response, to prevent The Operational Response Center (COR) made a donation to the International Maritime University of Panama (UMIP) of inputs for the drones used by this higher education house, in order for them […]

February 3, 2023