Saudi investments in Panama are being explored

News from Panama

In a strategic move to position Panama on the map of large global investments, Mario Boyd Galindo, personally appointed by President-elect José Raúl Mulino, has played a crucial role in the recent meeting of the Future Investment Initiative Institute (FII), in Rio de Janeiro. His personal and dedicated management has opened new opportunities for the […]

June 15, 2024

McDonald´s franchise is now 100% committed to its food being produced in Panamanian soils, to contribute to the economy

News from Panama

The McDonald´s restaurant franchise is 100% committed to the inputs behind its menu products being produced in Panamanian soils, with the aim of contributing to the economic development of Panama, said Adriana Paredes, communications manager of Arcos Dorados Panama. According to Paredes, they recently launched the “I am from here” campaign, to visualize and know […]

June 15, 2024

Inside Microsoft’s Panama tropical forest carbon offtake deal

News from Panama

In May, Microsoft signed a large nature-based carbon offtake agreement with the Azuero Reforestación Colectiva (ARC). The project aims to restore more than 24,700 acres of degraded tropical forest on Panama’s Azuero Peninsula, removing over 3 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere in the process.  Azuero is one of a string of large nature-based carbon offtake agreements that Microsoft has struck, […]

June 14, 2024

Panama has been awarded for the third consecutive year as the “Best tourist destination” in Latin America and South America.

News from Panama

Panama has been recognized for the third consecutive year as the “Best Tourist Destination” in Latin America and South America at the Leisure Lifestyle Awards 2024, organized by Global Traveler magazine and based on the votes of its readers. This award highlights the vibrant culture, captivating biodiversity and impressive architecture offered by the country, according to […]

June 14, 2024