Sustainability: CAF and Panamana Chamber of Commerce sign an agreement

News from Panama / Friday, August 16th, 2024

The strategic alliance of the development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean with the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama will promote the creation of sustainable farms for family consumption and commercialization.

CAF – development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean – signed a non-refundable technical cooperation agreement with the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP), through which it contributes to the food security of the country with the creation of sustainable farms, benefiting 150 families located in the district of Toabré, province of Coclé.

The rubric of the agreement was led by the representative of CAF in Panama, Lucía Meza and by the president of the CCIAP, Juan Alberto Arias, who, accompanied by their respective work teams, exchanged their expressions of gratitude for mutual trust and for the process of procedures necessary for the achievement of the agreement.

Meza explained that it is a cooperation of USD 150,000 that will be disbursed to support the project called “Technical transfers of crops for the creation of sustainable farms for family consumption and promote small business initiatives.” “With this initiative we want to train 150 families and provide them with tools and inputs to start their own self-sustainable farm for family consumption and business management for the income of the family, which has a strong impact on the nutrition of children, their growth and psychomotor development, better school performance, strengthening of the family nucleus, financial independence of our people through their ventures and economic reactivation in one of the areas of the country that require it the most,” he added.

For his part, Arias recalled that, for the last three years, the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama, has promoted the project of self-sustainable farms in this region, located in the north of the province of Coclé. This year, in strategic alliance with CAF, “we are convinced that we are important players in the social development of the country to which we aspire actions like these support the development of the entrepreneurial spirit that allows these families to move from subsistence to commercialization, because the social development of the country to which we aspire depends directly on us, our actions and our effective contribution to the development of our childhood, youth and professionals, through education, health and entertainment.” On this occasion, this program has been expanded so that these 150 families can be trained and have the tools and supplies to implement the correct development of good practices of self-sustaining farms,” said Arias.

This initiative aims to transfer good practices to the beneficiary families on the planting and breeding of birds in a self-sustainable way; provide the necessary tools and inputs to families to start their own self-sustaining farms; and provide technical training aimed at awakening the entrepreneurial spirit in these families so that they move from family consumption to the marketing of their products.