Panama inaugurates the first health cytometry center in Latin America for stem cell research

News from Panama / Friday, July 28th, 2023

Panama, through the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies (ICGES) and the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Senacyt), inaugurated the new Cytometry Center for Health Research, which is the first of its kind in Latin America.

The center was created with funding from Senacyt, due to the need to improve infrastructures for the development of complex research that requires the use of flow cytometry.

During the event, it was explained that flow cytometry is a method used for the analysis of the expression of cell and intracellular surface molecules, as well as the characterization of different types of cells according to size, complexity and quantity. This method has been very useful for the detection of virus proteins such as dengue, chikungunya, Zika or induced cellular proteins.

Therefore, the opening of this center will benefit ongoing research on dengue and arbovirus infection, the antiviral effect against chikungunya and studies on diseases such as cancer.

In addition, the cytometry center will work in conjunction with the ICGES BSL-2 Laboratory, designed to work as a service center.

The Cytometry Center for Health Research is the first of its kind in Latin America, so it will strengthen the generation of capacities in research and development, and provide training and training to researchers so that they can raise the level of their work.