Shopping Centers: Regional Event

News from Panama / Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

On February 14 and 15, an international convention will be held in Panama City, focusing on issues related to the evolution of shopping centers in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The event called ” 1st International Congress of Shopping Centers” is organized by the Panamanian Association of Shopping Centers (APACECOM) and aims to discuss issues related to the relevance of customer loyalty through knowledge and digital engagement, how to create successful stores from the perspective of visual merchandising, exploring the impact of shopping centers in intermediate cities, among others.

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From the APACECOM statement:

Demanded by a fast-paced technological and commercial news, the universe of shopping malls in the region wants to take a step forward to the challenge of reinventing itself as a business.

Thus, the 1st International Congress of Shopping Centers, (CICC) 2019, seeks to provide professionals and business people with tools and knowledge that will guide them in the task of evolving shopping centers in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The event will take place in Panama City on February 14 and 15, 2019, so spaces have already begun to open for those who want to register for this world class event.

Read full statement (In Spanish).

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