Scrap Collection Program generates significant income for the National Treasury

News from Panama / Friday, June 7th, 2024

The scrap metal collection program in the State institutions represented income for the National Treasury in June of last year, of approximately US$450,000 and allowed the collection of about 5,900 tons, said Orlando Barría, director of State Property of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

This program, awarded to three companies after a public event on June 30, 2023, officially began in April 2024 and “is already showing positive results and that is why you may be seeing movements in some institutions such as the University of Panama, the Social Security Fund, the Ministry of Education, the INADEH, the National Aeronaval Service, among others,” Barría said.

The financial impact of the program is already remarkable and allowed the collection of about 5,900 tons. Barría stressed that, to date, 865 tons of metal scrap metal, 163 tons of computer scrap metal and 290 tons of naval scrap metal have been collected in just one month of work.

This program, which includes the collection of metal, computer and naval scrap metal, also promotes the cleaning of public and state areas.

“It is a work audited by the Office of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic and audited by the Department of Patrimonial Audit of the Ministry of Economy and Finance,” said the director.