Road Built without Plans

News from Panama / Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Things that make you go Hmmmmm!!

In Costa Rica, $40 million was spent building a 160km road without surveying, design of ditches, drains or crossings.

The border dispute between Costa Rica and Nicaragua over the mouth of the San Juan river was the cause of an emergency decree by the Costa Rican government, which ordered the construction of a road alongside the right side of the river for a stretch of 160 kilometers.

Following allegations of corruption involving officials responsible for the work, and which prompted the Minister of Transport and Public Works to be fired by President Chinchilla, the Association of Engineers and Architects (CFIA) and CACISA, a company hired to oversee construction, found that about 900 machines belonging to different companies, worked without any constructive plan.

An article in reports that the National Roads Authority (Conavi) confirmed that the work was built without plans.
